GIODO Brunello di Montalcino 2019 i trækasse

GIODO Brunello di Montalcino 2019 i trækasse
Supervin's unikke vingaranti
Hvis du ikke er tilfreds med kvaliteten, tilbyder vi at tage vinen retur. Du refunderes det fulde beløb for vinen, også for den første åbnede flaske. Vi betaler selvfølgelig returfragten. (maks. 1 md. efter levering).
"BEST WINE OF ITALY - NO. #1 - TOP100 2024: Giodo Brunello di Montalcino 2019 has no rivals. It produces a perfect wine and is the only one to receive a 100-point rating from in 2024 ... Since the founding of our company, only thirteen 100/100 ratings have been awarded out of 27,600 wines reviewed. A rarity that exists, but one that represents true global excellence in winemaking." -
”100 points. In the end the one to win the highest recognition and take home a perfect score was Giodo … You want to drink it, drink it and drink it again. Elegance and more elegance, in a wine that achieves perfection. A perfect wine, a divine wine.” – WinesCritic
”100 points. A great personality” – GardiniNotes, World Champion Sommelier
”100 points. Palate of silky precision and magnificent progression” – Intravino
"100 points. Comes in many layers, enormous elegance and finesse, juicy and with excellent drinking flow." - Falstaff
"100 points" -
“99 points. TOP 100 WINES OF THE WORLD | TOP 100 WINES OF ITALY. Powerful with great length… What a wine” – James Suckling
"98+ points. He believes it is the best wine he has made thus far... Indeed, I would rank the 2019 Brunello di Montalcino as high as or even better than the best vintages made at this boutique estate. In my mind, they are 2010, 2016 and now 2019." - Robert Parker
”Det har været en fantastisk og vigtig årgang for Giodo Brunello 2019 ... I 2019 fungerede alt helt i top i både vinmarker og i kælderen.” – Carlo Ferrini, Giodo
Sassicaia vippet af tronen og henvist til andenpladsen... Som årets eneste vin med perfekte 100/100 point kan Giodo Brunello di Montalcino 2019 lade sig fejre som Italiens bedste vin 2024 hos
Vi fik et tidligt tip om Carlo Ferrinis exceptionelle Giodo Brunello 2019 og var ”heldige” at bestille et begrænset parti, før vinen gik i gang med at høste 100-point-score efter 100-point-score efter 100-point-score...
Denne vin er historisk unik! Vi mindes ikke et tilsvarende forsalg på NOGEN toscansk rødvin - men efterspørgslen på den perfekte og overall bedst bedømte Brunello 2019 er gået amok. Vi aner hverken, om vi får flere flasker, eller hvad der vil ske med prisen (!)
Vi kan derfor ikke understrege det nok. Skal du sikre dig Carlos mest guddommelige Giodo, fra et af historiens bedste Brunello-år (ja, bedre end 2016!), så tøv ikke med at slå til LIGE NU!
Ved køb af 6 fl. leveres i original trækasse.
Anmeldelser af GIODO Brunello di Montalcino 2019
"BEST WINE OF ITALY - NO. #1 - TOP100 2024" -
"Giodo Brunello di Montalcino 2019 has no rivals. It produces a perfect wine and is the only one to receive a 100-point rating from in 2024 ... Since the founding of our company, only thirteen 100/100 ratings have been awarded out of 27,600 wines reviewed. A rarity that exists, but one that represents true global excellence in winemaking."
”In the end the one to win the highest recognition and take home a perfect score was Giodo, a union of balance, class, elegance and quality of material… Expressive and rich in character, it shows concentration and structure in the notes of red plums, wild strawberries, cedar chunks, mandarin juice, lemon peel, chopped ginger and cracked celery. Wild thyme and marjoram set the secondary scene, but it is the character of fresh cherries, rose petals and grapefruit that delicately but presently bring grace and authenticity to the array. Medium-full body, perfectly ripe tannins of commendable beauty and an honest, subtle, enveloping finish. Exciting on the palate, you want to drink it, drink it and drink it again. Elegance and more elegance, in a wine that achieves perfection. A perfect wine, a divine wine.”
100/100 GardiniNotes, World Champion Sommelier
”Taut and clean on the nose, with fine armas of red plum, touches of peony, brackish nuances, and hints of black olive, with balsamic and officinal herbs finish. The taste is rich and elegant, with tannins well blended with the freshsavory component. Closure is slightly citrus, a great personality.”
100/100 Intravino
”Violet, Moroccan rose, bergamot, sour cherries and pits, lavender, thyme and curry plant, turmeric and mandarin, palate of silky precision and magnificent progression, stupendous, silky and dynamic, electric, creamy, disarmingly drinkable, precise and dense tannin but which it never distracts from enjoyment. 100 points.”
100/100 Falstaff
"Bright, elegant ruby purple. Expressive, inviting on the nose, with rich fruit, deep cherry, blood orange, a hint of ripe raspberry, very complex and inviting, high elegance, rosehip, blood orange, Burgundian. Juicy on the palate, polished, with clear fruit, harmonious, comes in many layers, enormous elegance and finesse, juicy and with excellent drinking flow."
99/100 “TOP 100 WINES OF THE WORLD” James Suckling
“Aromas of cedar, earth, tree bark, fruit tea, black tea and cherries. Then it turns to fresh and dried flowers. Medium to full body as it grows on the palate with superb fine tannins that run the length of the wine. It’s structured and powerful with great length. The acid, tannin balance is incredible. Very clear and transparent. What a wine.”
98+/100 Robert Parker
"When I tasted this wine with its maker, the celebrated enologist Carlo Ferrini, he told me that he put every last drop of love into the 2019 vintage. He believes it is the best wine he has made thus far at his relatively new Giodo project that started in 2009. Indeed, I would rank the 2019 Brunello di Montalcino as high as or even better than the best vintages made at this boutique estate. In my mind, they are 2010, 2016 and now 2019. This wine comes from a three-hectare plot with 19-year-old vines that are cared for obsessively. This amphitheater-shaped parcel called La Poderina is nestled deep within the forest on a steep slope that overlooks Monte Amiata in the distance. The soils are white in color with lots of rocks. This is a wine of depth and dimension, with vibrant energy, elegant balsamic notes and sweetly ripened fruit. The medium fruit weight is balanced against the wine's acidity and fine tannins. It ends with floral notes of violet and iris."
Om Brunello-årgangen 2019: "To be considered without any doubts one of the best ever made, even better than 2016” – GardiniNotes
Nyd den sublime topvin til saftigt, rødt oksekød, lammeretter med krydderurter, risotto, pasta med middelhavsurter samt lagrede oste. Servér ved 16-18°C.
Vinen er fremstillet af 100% Sangiovese fra Giodo-marken i det centrale Montalcino. Marken skråner 10% mod sydøst, og har en jordbund af porøs og fossilholdig kalksten. Druerne dyrkes økologisk, og vinen fremstilles med skånsom ”hands off” winemaking – dvs. ingen tilsætning af gær samt kort maceration uden ”pump-overs”. Modnet 36 mdr. på franske 500 l. egetræsfade samt 12 mdr. på flaske.
”Det har været en fantastisk og vigtig årgang for Giodo Brunello 2019. Foråret var perfekt med både sol og regn, også sommeren var perfekt. Efteråret var tørt inden høsten. I 2019 fungerede alt helt i top i både vinmarker og i kælderen.” – Carlo Ferrini, Giodo
”Dette er min drøm.”, fortæller Carlo Ferrini om sit GIODO-projekt. Efter en forrygende karriere som konsulent bag adskillige 100-point vine købte Carlo Ferrini i 2002 sin egen mikroskopiske vinmark. På disse 2,8 hektar (som med tiden er øget til 6) plantede han 15 forskellige Sangiovese-kloner og døbte hele herligheden GIODO - som hyldest til forældrene GIOvanna og DOnatello. Fra dette magiske terroir har Ferrini, med ubarmhjertig drueselektion som katalysator, frembragt vine i absolut verdensklasse siden 2009. En streng ”grøn høst” eliminerer ca. 40% af alle druer, så resten kan modne til perfektion. Toscana IGT er fremstillet i blid og frugtcharmerende stil med kortvarig skindkontakt samt 12 måneders modning på 500 og 1200 liters egetræsfade. Brunello’en - der flere gange har høstet 100 point - er en langt mere ekstraktrig vin grundet længere skindkontakt og hele 2 1/2 års fadlagring på 500 og 700 liter fransk tonneaux. I 2016 indtog GIODO vulkanen Etnas vulkanske skråninger med et mineralsk festfyrværkeri af en Nerello Mascalese. ”ÅRETS BEDSTE DEBUTVIN” i hele Italien – og Siciliens svar på rød Grand Cru Bourgogne…